This consists:

Latest version is at here



  • Intro to Machine Learning final project: Titanic Survival Prediction Trained and validated multiple ML algorithms using Scikit-learn (SVM, Random Forest, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression) on Titatnic dataset to predict the survival rate of Titatnic passengers
  • TCReepy
    • Implemented K-Nearest-Neighbor to learn informative positions of proteins in amino acids to distinguish two types of T cell receptor hypervariable CDR3 sequences.
    • Achived: Best Desk to Best Bedside Award at 2018 Med U-Hack at UT Southwestern


  • Neural Engineering research projects (2018 - 2019) advised by Prof. Tan Chin-Tuan at the Auditory Perception Engineering Laboratory, UT Dallas
  • Chest X-Ray Abnormal Detection
    • Applied multiple Transfer Learning models and hyper-parameter tuning to detect abnormalities in chest x-rays with 88% accuracy.
    • Achived: 1st Prize at the HealthCare AI 2019 Hackathon at Uni. of Texas at Dallas


  • MoCV
    • An open-source Python package implementing Computer Vision and Image Processing algorithms.
  • Senior Co-op Project: Interaction Tunning Tool
    • Led a team of 6 engineers to build and deploy a no-code Intent Extraction system to reduce the manual intent labeling tasks (no coding and domain knowledge required) for Chatbot data preparation.
    • Contribution: utilized StanfordNLP and Tensorflow to develop a Deep Learning model (LSTM-Attention + MLP) to extract intents from raw utterances (75% accuracy in development and 20% in deployment). Unlike Google Dialogflow using a fixed intent list, our system forms VERB-NOUN intents that it does not limit iteself by industry domains
  • Name Entity Recognizer Implemented BiLSTM-CRF for Name Entity Recognition, built the data pipeline in Tensorflow, and deploy in Flask
  • Intent Classifier
    • Trained Suport-Vector-Machine (SVM) and GradientBoosting on text features extracted by TF-IDF for Intent-Classification tasks. Accuracy: 97% for training and 80% validation
  • Borot
    • Built Chatbot Question & Answering with Flask, Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, and SQL.
    • Implemented Information Retrieval with Intent Classifier (SVM), Name-Entity-Recognizer (BiLSTM-CRF) and TF-IDF to retrieve answers in response to questions. Implemented OOP to collect users’ QA queries for personalization.
  • Mask-RCNN - Implementation of Mask-RCNN in Tensorflow >= 2.0.0


  • Emorecom, ICDAR2021 Competition – Multimodal Emotion Recognition on Comic scenes
    • Developed a multimodal Deep Learning model composed of CNN (ResNet, FaceNet) for visual features and RNN/BERT for textual features to detect emotion on comic scenes. Ranked 13th.
    • Utilized Tensorflow Data/string/image and OpenCV to build image/text augmentation pipeline and the TFRecord data pipeline.
  • h-at (Information Extraction)
    • Developed a Python program to extract template-based information by designing rules and utilizing Dependency Parsing, Name Entities, and POS tags.
  • Find-unicorns (search engine)
    • Developed a search engine by crawling & scrapping (>100k links), implementing ranking algorithms (TF-IDF, HITS, PageRank).
  • Attention2Log
    • An experimental study of Transformers for Log-Key-based Anomaly Detection
  • FRL
    • Neural Collaborative Filtering + GraphNN for Interactive Recommendation System

Blogs and Workshops

Model Compression

Machine Learning with Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Install Tensorflow on AMD GPUs

Blogs on Deep Learning

Entry-ML Workshops @DSC-UTD - workshops over fundamental machine learning algorithms

Introduction to Python

Workshop on Multimodal Emotion Recognition @AIS

Zero-Shot Learning in NLP

Model optimization


Interesting Work

Computer Vision

  • You Look Only ONce
    • A unified Object Detection model consisting of DarkNet (Deep CNN) and Non-Max-Suppression at the output layer to group multiple bounding-boxes for the final object. Multi losses (object loss, class loss, and position loss) were computed.
  • Mask RCNN
    • An instance segmentation model composed of backbone (ResNet or Feature Pyramid Network), Region Proposal Network (simple CNN), and ROIAlign layer (Non-Max-Suppression) that both share hidden feature from the backbone.
    • Prone to overfitting since using Fully Connected layer for prediction.
  • Single Image Super Resolution based on a Modified U-NET with Mixed Gradient Loss
    • Introduction to loss functions (MGE and MixGE) for Super-Image-Super-Resolution problems using U-NET.
    • MSE, a common loss function is limited to learn errors based on pixel values, not the object curve (aka gradient error)
    • To solve gradient error introduced by Super-Resolution, Mean-Gradient-Error (MGE) utilizes Sobel operator to shapren curves of objects in predicted and true images which are then computed into difference-square

Natural Language Processing


Label Noise

Knowledge Distillation

  • Knowledge Distillation: A Survey
    • A literature review of Knowlege Distillation techniques
    • By:
      • Knowledge: response-based, feature-based, and relation-based
      • Schemes: offline-distillation, online-distillation, and self-distllation
      • Algorithms: attention-based, adversarial-based, cross-modal, multi-teacher, graph-based, data-free, quantization-based, NAS-based
    • Knowledge distillation’s applications in CV, NLP, Speech Recognition
    • I personally found data-free algo useful when huge distilling huge models to smaller models (e.g. T5-3B to T5-small) without data in-hand.
  • Adversarial Self-Supervised Data-Free Distillation for Text Classification
    • A data-free distillation algorithm to distill BERT-large to smaller BERTs without ready in-hand.
    • Idea: use BERT-teacher to generate and optimize synthetic embeddings (i.e. ignore discrete text that is hard to generate) that serve as inputs to BERT-student.
    • Update: I utilized this method to distil T5-3B to T5-small with minor modifications for Grammar Error Correction.
  • Be Your Own Teacher: Improve the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks via Self Distillation
    • An self-distillation scheme for ResNet that each low-level module is a student network. In training, the teacher (whole ResNet) and students (sub-ResNet modules) are trained and optimized simulatenously by losses: KL-divergence & cross-entropy
    • Notes: useful when distilling huge models (e..g T5-3B, T5-11B, or GPT-#)

Interview Prep

What I have learnt

Graduate courses lised only